The analysis is divided into four Test Setups, where the sensors are moved to new locations leaving only two in fixed reference positions. ARTeMIS Modal supports single as well as multiple Test Setups analysis. The configuration file as well as the measurement files for project is installed along with ARTeMIS Modal.
The measurements and analysis presented here are performed by Professor Carlos Ventura, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. The building considered is the so-called Heritage Court Tower, which is located in downtown Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. It is a relatively regular 15-storey reinforced concrete shear core building. The building is located on top of an underground parking structure. The measurements were conducted using an 8-channel measurement system. The sensors were Kinemetrics Episensor, forced balanced accelerometers. Modal analysis was conducted with ARTeMIS Modal Pro.
The analysis is divided into four Test Setups, where the sensors are moved to new locations leaving only two in fixed reference positions. ARTeMIS Modal supports single as well as multiple Test Setups analysis. The configuration file as well as the measurement files for project is installed along with ARTeMIS Modal.
Pictures from the Test
The analysis results has also been used for Finite Element Updating of the above mentioned structure. For further description on this please see the paper:
C. E. Ventura, R. Brincker, E. Dascotte, P. Andersen.
FEM Updating of the Heritage Court Building Structure
Proceedings of the 19th International Modal Analysis Conference (IMAC), Kissimmee, Florida, pp.324-330, 2001.
Palle Andersen
Managing Director, Ph.D.
Niels Jernes Vej 10
9220 Aalborg East, Denmark