Modal Parameter History Module

Similar to the Damage Detection Module, the modes of the structure can be presented in a historical view. The Modal Parameter History Module has been designed for this. It presents the modal parameters as a function of the Analysis Sessions. In addition, it can automatically track modes determined in a reference state. Even though they change slightly in subsequent Analysis Sessions, the Mode Tracking is capable of keeping track of them. The tracked modes are presented as modal indicators that are inter-connected. Pointing at the line with the mouse allows further information of the particular tracked mode.

The features are summarized below:

  • Historical presentation of natural frequencies and damping ratios.

  • Historical export of modal parameters to SVS and UFF file formats.

  • Automatic mode tracking based on the estimation of a set of reference modes obtained from a specified set of reference Analysis Sessions.

  • Historical presentation of the tracked modes (Drawn interconnected). Natural frequencies and damping ratios – absolute and relative to their reference mode. Modal Assurance Criterion of the mode shapes relative to the mode shape of their reference mode.

  • Historical export of tracked modes to SVS and UFF file formats.

For more information please watch this Youtube Video
In the figure below, the natural frequency of three tracked modes is presented. The two first modes are reasonable unaffected by the damage whereas the third mode is heavily influenced and even disappears for a while when damage occurs.
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Modal Parameter History with automatic Mode Tracking of three modes. The natural frequency of the first two modes is quite unaffected by the damage. Once damage is occurring the third mode changes.
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Clicking on a specific indicator in the diagram will present the corresponding mode in the Modes List of the Analysis Sessions and start an animation of its mode shape.

As shown in the figure below, the Mode Tracking can also be presented in terms of other modal parameters such as the damping ratios and mode shapes. In case of the mode shapes, it will be the Modal Assurance Criterion between the reference state mode shape and the mode shape of the different Analysis Sessions.
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Mode Tracking of three modes presented in terms of the change of the Modal Assurance Criterion of the modes between the reference state and the current state. The highligted mode is the third mode that also has a significant change of the MAC value as damage occurs.


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