Each recorded measurement file is uploaded into an Analysis Session that is the container for the particular measurements and the results obtained from it. The Data Manager Base Module is responsible for the administration of the Analysis Sessions. It stores and retrieves the different Analysis Sessions when requested by the analysis modules. The Data Manager extends the ARTeMIS Modal Pro platform that basically only handles a single Analysis Session. The features are summarized below:
Support for Multiple Analysis Sessions.
External storage with saving and loading of measurements and results for each Analysis Session.
Historical measurement statistics (Maximum, Minimum, RMS, Median, Mean, Variance, Skewness, Kurtosis).
3D display of all measurements in frequency domain using the Singular Value Decomposition.
Master Session definition, allowing automatic processing across all Analysis Sessions using settings of the Master Session. Includes automatic SSI modal estimation.
Notification (Alert) services. Visual, sound, email, web service.