In 2023 we have a series of webinars about ARTeMIS Modal. All webinars are free of charge and only require that you register before start. The y typically last for one hour and covers a specific topic. Next up is Operational Modal Analysis (OMA) using ARTeMIS Modal.
On March 1st, 1999, Structural Vibration Solutions was founded as a spin-off from Aalborg University in Denmark.Our first software release, ARTeMIS Extractor, was made in 2000 and included the two patented Frequency Domain Decomposition methods FDD and EFDD as well as three versions of the Stochastic Subspace Identification (SSI) methods.
ARTeMIS Extractor has been succeeded by the more powerful ARTeMIS Modal that has a new look and feel. However, the philosophy is the same as it was back when we started. The user should have different methods available for analysis of the measurements to enable a validation of the modal results.
Today, our software is used by mechanical engineers for Modal Analysis of Operating Machinery and components, and by Civil Engineers for Ambient Vibration Analysis of large structures like bridges and buildings.
ARTeMIS Modal at a favorable price
We are very proud to announce that a new version
– ARTeMIS Modal 8 – is coming soon.
We look forward to announcing the new product release.
We have a series of webinars about ARTeMIS Modal. All webinars are free of charge and only require that you register before start. They typically last for one hour and cover a specific topic.
Our latest webinar
ARTeMIS-SHM, Web-based Structural Health Monitoring March 2024
ARTeMIS Modal at a favorable price
We are introducing a new subscription-based license model for all versions of ARTeMIS Modal. You can still purchase perpetual ARTeMIS Modal licenses, but the subscription-based license model is an affordable alternative that allows you to get started at a low entry price.
Experimental Modal Analysis using ARTeMIS Modal
November 7, 15.00 CET (UTC+1)
September 9-11, Leuven, Belgium