SVS Configuration File Format

Since ARTeMIS Extractor natural input multiple output modal analysis software offers a fairly new way to perform a modal identification, Structural Vibration Solution A/S (SVS) found it convenient to define their own input standard that was easy to use and general enough to cover the special input requirements for this kind of analysis.

The SVS Configuration File is an ASCII file. The file can be created by any ASCII editor, for instance the Notepad editor, and should have the extension *.cfg.

The SVS Configuration File is the file that specifies the title of the project, the sampling interval, the geometry of the structure, DOF information (measurement locations and directions), the data file names and the organisation of the data in different data sets. Also, in this file you can specify unmeasured motions of the structure in terms of slave node equations.

The structure of the file is to define a series of groups all beginning with a keyword that identifies the individual group. Below the structure is shown:


Keyword 1

Record 1 / Field 1 Record 1 / Field 2 Record 1 / Field 3 ........

Record 2 / Field 1 Record 2 / Field 2 Record 2 / Field 3 ........

Record 3 / Field 1 Record 3 / Field 2 Record 3 / Field 3 ........

(A free line indicate that the definition of the group is finished)


Keyword 2

Record 1 / Field 1 Record 1 / Field 2 Record 1 / Field 3 ........

Record 2 / Field 1 Record 2 / Field 2 Record 2 / Field 3 ........

Record 3 / Field 1 Record 3 / Field 2 Record 3 / Field 3 ........

Comments are shown in green, keywords in bold red and the record values in blue.

The available keywords/groups are:


Defines the project title.


Defines the sampling interval.


Defines the geometry node numbers and their coordinates.


Defines the trace lines to be drawn between nodes in the geometry displays.


Defines the surfaces to be drawn between nodes in the geometry displays.


Defines the DOF information of the data sets (setups) and the location of the data.


Defines any linear combination of measured motions in terms of slave node equations.

Note: The keywords are case-insensitive. The Header, T, Nodes, and Lines keywords must always be present in the SVS Configuration File. The keyword must be the only word on that line. A free line indicates that the group is finished. In between the groups you can enter comments as much as you like. However, be careful not to include a comment where the only word on a line is one of the keywords. This will result in an error.

An example of an SVS Configuration File is show below (Examples Folder: \Building Model\Mes32set.cfg) :


This is the header group with the title of the project.

The title can be a string of any length.


 Axi-symmetrical Building Model with Closely Spaced Modes



This is the sampling interval specified in sec.





This is the node definition group.

Node Number, X-coordinate, Y-coordinate, Z-coordinate.



 1 0 0 0

 2 0 0 15

 3 0 0 30

 4 15 0 0

 5 15 0 15

 6 15 0 30

 7 0 15 0

 8 0 15 15

 9 0 15 30

10 15 15 0

11 15 15 15

12 15 15 30



This is the line definition group.

From Node Number, To Node Number.



 1 2

 2 3

 3 6

 6 5

 5 4

 2 5

 7 8

 8 9

10 11

11 12

 8 11

 9 12

 5 11

 2 8

 6 12

 3 9

 1 4

 4 10

10 7

 7 1


This is the surfaces definition group.

From first Node Number, second Node Number, To third Node Number.



2 1 4

2 4 5

3 2 5

3 5 6

5 4 10

5 10 11

6 5 11

6 11 12

8 7 1

8 1 2

9 8 2

9 2 3

11 10 7

11 7 8

12 11 8

12 8 9

3 6 12

3 12 9

4 1 7

4 7 10



This is the definition group for the DOF information.

Description of the setups block

Record 1:

  Field 1: (string) Data set label

Record 2:

  Field 1: (string) File name where data is stored columnwise in ASCII

Record 3 through end

Field 1: (non-zero positive integer) Global transducer number

Field 2: (floating point) X-directional coordinate of the transducer

Field 3: (floating point) Y-directional coordinate of the transducer

Field 4: (floating point) Z-directional coordinate of the transducer

Field 5: (floating point) Reference value to apply on dB plots

Field 6: (string) Record unit - No blank spaces allowed

Field 7: (string) Record type - No blank spaces allowed

Field 8: (string) ID string of the transducer.


Records 1 to 3 are repeated for each data set.

Fields 5 through 8 are optionally. However, leaving out a field means

leaving out the rest of the fields as well. The default value of field 5

is 1.0.



Measurement 1


 2 0 1 0 0.000001 m/s² Acceleration Transducer 1

 5 0 1 0 0.000001 m/s² Acceleration Transducer 2

11 -1 0 0 0.000001 m/s² Acceleration Transducer 3

 6 0 1 0 0.000001 m/s² Acceleration Transducer 4

Measurement 2


 5 0 1 0 0.000001 m/s² Acceleration Transducer 1

 3 0 1 0 0.000001 m/s² Acceleration Transducer 2

 6 0 1 0 0.000001 m/s² Acceleration Transducer 3

12 -1 0 0 0.000001 m/s² Acceleration Transducer 4



This is the definition group for slave node equations.

Left side node should move according to the right side equation.



node(8,1) = node(11,1)

node(8,2) = node(2,2)

node(11,2) = node(5,2)

node(9,1) = node(12,1)

node(9,2) = node(3,2)

node(12,2) = node(6,2)

node(5,1) = node(11,1) - node(2,2) + node(5,2)

node(2,1) = node(5,1)

node(6,1) = node(12,1) - node(3,2) + node(6,2)

node(3,1) = node(6,1)

