The Modal Results - Cursor Model Tab

(Pro version only)

The Modal Results - Cursor Model window present the natural frequencies and damping ratios of all the modes of the currently selected state space model, i.e. the model selected by the green cursor rectangle.

In the case of the Plate 4 Datasets example the window could look like below:


Here the result of a 26 dimensional state space model is presented. What is presented from left to right in the stabilization diagram is presented from top to bottom in the Modal Results window. For each mode the table presents the natural frequency, the damping ratio and a remark. If the mode is visible in the stabilization diagram, then the remark indicates literally and with a color if the mode is stable, unstable or just a noise mode. If the natural frequency is outside the current frequency axis or larger than the Nyquist frequency the remark is Not plotted. If the natural frequency becomes negative or the damping ratio is lying outside the range from 0 to 100% the remark will say NaN (Not a Number). This can happen for computational (noise) modes.

As shown above, it is sometimes difficult to see very close modes in the stabilization diagram. However, this is of course not a problem in the table of the Modal Results window.