The Cylindrical Keyword (This or the Nodes keyword must be specified)

The group that starts with the Cylindrical keyword defines the numbering and the coordinates of the nodes in cylindrical coordinates. You can replace Cartesian node definitions using the Nodes keyword with cylindrical coordinate definitions, or you can mix the two types together. You can also specify multiple groups of cylindrical coordinates should there be several cylindrical geometrical objects in the test geometry.


The cylindrical group definitions starts with the keyword Cylindrical. Before the actual definition of the cylinder a sub-keyword called System is inserted to specify the rotation and translation of the local  coordinate system relative to the global. In total the System sub-keyword is followed by six numbers.


The rotation is specified in the three Euler angles (in radians) using the so-called X-convention for rotation:



1. The first rotation is by an angle Φ about the z-axis.

2. The second is by an angle Θ in the range of [0 π] about the x-axis.

3. The third is by an angle ψ about the z-axis (again).


The translation is thereafter specified by supplying the three coordinates of the origin of the local coordinate system in the global coordinates.


After this system definition each node of the cylinder is specified using a global unique node number, the radius, the angle in radians, and the z-coordinate of the local coordinate system.


Below an example shows how it works. The examples are located in Examples\Cylindrical\ folder of the installation.





First cylinder is located in the global origin but rotated π / 3 around the z-axis, the x-axis, and again around the z-axis. The second cylinder is just translated out to the global coordinate (0.2,0.2,0.2). The example SVS Configuration File is called Cylindrical_Ex1.cfg.



System 1.047198 1.047198 1.047198 0 0 0

1     0.147143   0          0

2     0.147143   0.785398   0

3     0.147143   1.570796   0

4     0.147143   2.356194   0

5     0.147143   3.141593   0

6     0.147143   3.926991   0

7     0.147143   4.712389   0

8     0.147143   5.497787   0

System 0 0 0 0.2 0.2 0.2

9     0.147143   0 0

10    0.147143   0.785398   0

11    0.147143   1.570796   0

12    0.147143   2.356194   0

13    0.147143   3.141592   0

14    0.147143   3.926991   0

15    0.147143   4.712389   0

16    0.147143   5.497787   0


The we add some lines:



1  2

2  3

3  4

4  5

5  6

6  7

7  8

8  1

9  10

10 11

11 12

12 13

13 14

14 15

15 16

16 9


Now we add 8 sensors pointing radially away from the seconds circle made:



Just Some Random Test Data

SomeData.bin /binary

9    1       0      0

10   0.707   0.707  0

11   0       1      0

12  -0.707   0.707  0

13  -1       0      0

14  -0.707  -0.707  0

15   0      -1      0

16   0.707  -0.707  0


The radial sensor directions are easily calculated using MATLAB. In the Cylindrical_Ex1.cfg file it is written how to do this.


After uploading Cylindrical_Ex1.cfg the result can be viewed in the Data Organizer: